Town Referendum on Bond Authorization
Post date: Dec 02, 2014 8:44:48 PM
The Town of Clinton will hold a Referendum on the Bond Authorization for $ 6.5 Million for the following items approved by the BOS and BOF on 12/17/14 in the Green room of the Clinton Town Hall from 6 AM to 8 PM.
1. Appropriate $ 4,200,000 for the cost of planning, design,construction, reconstruction, repair and resurfacing of various roads, sidewalks, bridges and bulkheads in the Town of Clinton.
2. Appropriate $ 1,600,000 for the cost of planning, design,construction and reconstruction of the artificial turf and certain facilities located at the Ethel Peters Recreational Complex.
3. Appropriate $ 650,000 for the cost of the purchase of breathing apparatus for the Clinton Volunteer Fire Department.
You will be able to vote on each of the above questions.
The Informational Meeting will be held on 12/03/14 at 7 PM in the Town Hall.
The Town Meeting will be held on 12/10/14 at 6:30 PM in the Town Hall. (No votes will be taken at this meeting)
The Referendum will be held in the Green room at the Clinton Town Hall from 6 AM to 8 PM. All town property owners with assessed property value, home, auto etc. are eligible to vote as well as registered voters.
Absentee Ballot Applications and Ballots will be available in the Town Clerks office on December 3rd
It is important that you vote on this subject. If you can vote in person a Ballot application is attached. The name on the application must match the name on your tax bill and the Referendum box checked on the Application.
* Your Ballot Application must be mailed to the Clinton Clerk 12/08/14
*The Town Clerk will mail you your Ballot upon the receipt of your Application.
* Your Ballot must be mailed to the Town Clerk by 12/13/14 and received by the Town Clerk by 12/17/14.
Dick Dondero President CCA INC.