Town Budget Referendum 5/14/2014

Post date: Apr 14, 2014 12:17:51 AM

The Town of Clinton will hold a referendum on the 2014-2015 town and education budgets on Wednesday May 14th in the Clinton Town Hall. Polls will be open from 6 AM to 8 PM.

The 2014-2015 school budget is $ 32,431,098 an increase of $1,121,808 or 3.58% over the 2013-2014 budget. The 2014-2015 town budget is $16,065,128 an increase of $ 853,544 or 5.61% over the 2013-2014 budget.

The amount to be raised by taxes is $ 1,567,126 or 4.11 % over the 2013-2014 budget. This budget, if approved, will increase the mill rate by 4.11% or 1 mill to 26.475 mills.

All Clinton property owners with real or personal property assessed at $1,000 or more are eligible to vote in this Referendum.

You have three options on how to cast your vote:

1. Be in Clinton on May 14th between 6 AM to 8 PM and cast your vote at the Town hall. If the property is in two names each can vote.

2. Stop into the Clinton Town Clerk’s office after April 25th and before May 14th during business hours and fill out an absentee ballot.

3. Fill out the attached absentee ballot application and mail it to the Town Clerk. If the property is in two names and each wants to vote, each property owner must submit an absentee ballot application. The names of the property owners and the property address on the application must match the names on your property tax statement. The referendum box on the application must also be checked. The Town Clerk must receive the application prior to April 25th. After April 25th, the Town Clerk will print and mail the absentee ballots. Note: The Clinton Town Clerk must receive the completed absentee ballot prior to May 14th. So be sure to mail in your ballot well in advance of that date.

Dick Dondero, President

Clinton Council of Associations Inc.
