The Sewer Debate

Post date: Jun 26, 2013 2:53:39 PM

6/19/2013 Email: As you may know, the Town of Clinton is under a court order to correct its wastewater problem. Clinton's Water Pollution Control Commission (WPCC) is considering several options to correct it — a community system (sewers), cluster systems (sewers) or individual systems (upgrades to existing septic systems). The Commission has decided that individual systems are not an option for the shore area (and the Long Hill area). These changes will come with a hefty price tag, the financial burden for which may fall heavily on our beach community. For FAQs and an overview of the issues, please see the links below.

For years, Dick Dondero, CBA board member and President of the Clinton Council of Associations, has been following the debate and participating in the WPCC meetings. The minutes of the most recent meeting are attached. Dick has been doing an outstanding job representing our beach community at these meetings but he can't do it alone. Please come out to the WPCC meetings to support the CBA. The next meeting is on Tuesday 6/25/2013 at 7:00 pm at Town Hall. You're welcome to join in the conversation or just come to listen. Feel free to call Dick if you have any questions prior to the meeting (860-669-0469). Future WPCC meeting dates will be included on our Calendar of Events on the CBA website --

Further information on the sewer debate:

Clinton Land Use page: - Click on Water Pollution Control in navigation and see the FAQs for information on projected costs.

"Town of Clinton CT - Wastewater Management Issues, Challenges and Alternatives - an Overview":

Trash Schedule Correction

Friday trash pick up will begin in July, not June as was previously reported.

Robin Kohnke, CBA Clerk